Friday, July 25, 2008

Zorgboer in Nederland

Ben aan het zwoegen op de laatste kleine dingen die nog moeten gebeuren. Duidelijke bronvermelding bij alle stukjes tekst en tekeningen. Voorkant maken voor het verslag.
Een samenvatting schrijven in Engels en Nederlands en heel belangrijk de conclusie en aanbevelingen.
Het valt allemaal nog helemaal niet mee. Gaat veel tijd in zitten.
De strip hierboven is van Alex van Koten. Zeer waarschijnlijk wordt dat de voorkant van mijn scriptie. Misschien dat er nog een andere tekening komt, maar de strip wordt zeker gebruikt. Een van de weinige strips die te maken heeft met zorgboerderijen. Op staat ook een strip over de zorgboerderij.
Tot zover een overdrukke ik.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Social farming in the Netherlands

For my graduation I stay in the Netherlands. I will be working on Social Farming (production farm with caretaking and work provision for elderly people, people with physical or other illnesses, ex- drugusers, ex-inmates, and other people you can think of that can use some care in a stress free environment).

The aim is to get a good overview of all the farms, types of farms and participants there are in the Netherlands. Further, I'm also curious if a social care taking system like this, does excist in the rest of europe or even the rest of the world.

A friend of mine told me that, in the US, they are busy setting up social farms for ex millitaries, so they don't have to get back into everydays life straight away. They then get a chance to recover from what they have been through in a less stressful place. This is just another example of who these farms can be for.

So I guess I will be busy for a while. Life will not be as exciting as it was during my time in India I think, but this time again there will be a lot to do.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

What next...

It has been a while since I left India. The world has gone crazy again, so there was little time to write a nice story on the blog. Also the photo's I prommised will come, but this will take a while. I took over a 1000 pictures and haven't gone through them yet....

It was a whole change going back to the regular way of life, following classes and working on small scale projects. Nice is that there are about 5 projects to work on and all with different classmates involved. Further we are expected to have ideas about the future. It would be nice if I would know exactly what I want to do for my thesis, but I don't...

The report I had to hand in about the India placement was huge. I have discussed it with my lecturer and......I got given an 8!!! That is a really nice mark for a lot of work and efford and I am happy with it.

The education project is doing well. Claudia keeps me informed of what's happening and Ramrao, who is manager of the education project now, really does all he can to make it a succes. Also he is busy with the interviews we put together in the last weeks. They are to help us get better insight in what the people in teh villages actually do have and want so that there can be help provided that they really can use and not something we think they might need.

Jan is going to India in Februari together with Claudia, two students of Saxion and Martijn&Ilse, to monitor what is happening, to start with the eco -tourism project and to set up a new project with Jatropha. This is a plant that can grow almost everywhere and may be a good help to keep animals of the rice fields. An idea we generated in the two weeks we were in India toegther and now with the help of Jan it's going to be set up and tested. How nice is that! For more update on what's going on you can have a look on the website of SCF.

I have one more month to go of hard work and preparations to finish my exams. After that it's time for me to do my graduation project.. I will keep you informed on how and what is going to happen. For now tata!