Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Counting the days

Well it's April now, so time to add a new post.

I am busy finishing up the last bits of schoolwork for this year in the Netherlands. A couple of exams and assignments to do and than finish packing. My backpack is ready filled, so I can''t forget anything and my house is occupied with moving-boxes.

The last week I hope to have some time to say goodbye to some people. There are more people I like to say goodbye, than there is time, which causes a little problem. Yeah, time....I will have plenty of that in India, since I have no internet access in the reserve and watching telly might not be all that interesting to me. Language problems mainly.

Comming closer to my departure I start to wonder about little things that are different over there. What vegetables do they have? Do Indians use much cummin seeds and other herbs I'm not fund of. How hot will over 40 degrees feel, specially when it gets very humid. I do have some experience with heat (above 40 in Perth) and humidity (Brisbane, Singapore), but maybe this is different.. What clothes shall I wear and, will I be able to learn to negotiate about prices on the market... I'm not so good at it over here...

Oh well, all these things, I guess I will find out soon enough! I'll keep counting the days, and try not to get stressed because I still have so much to do over here. Next time I'll update my blog from India.

By the way, I've added a link to other placements of fellow RD&I students. They will leave somewhere in May, and it might be nice to have a look at their blog too, just to get an idea of how diverse Rural Development can be.

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