Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The first step to start moving :)

For some people it's difficult to find a placement, others are more lucky. This time I'm that person.

Through connections I heard about Stichting Claudia and Friends. This is an organisation involved in 2 projects in India. One is a handicraft project and the other a project on nature & environment education at schools. Both sound nice, and both are in line with RD&I. On the website you will find a third project, an exchange programme. As an assignment I had to make a programme proposal for an exchange programme, so this sounds interesting too.

So the first step, an appointment with Claudia, in order to, firstly, find out if her organisation meets the placement criteria, secondly, if there is a project for me, or if we can agree on an assignment.

This is exciting!!!

If you like to know more about the organisation, here's the link:
Feel free to check the side, it's nice.

Since I have little knowledge of what can be found where in India, I googled some maps. The location is: from Bombay to the middle-> 150 km south of Nagpur and 25 km north of Chandrapur.

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