Thursday, November 16, 2006

My cat

This is Yogi Cat. His all time favourites are food, sleeping and attention, lots of it...

In the morning he wakes me up, sitting on the top of the stairs miauwing. Alright, he too is hungry when he wakes up, or after a busy night....

During the day, particular this time of the year, he likes to spend his time indoors. Just doing nothing all day, laying around on the best spots he can find... This means my lap when I try to study, where else!

When I cook my dinner, his spot is on the stairs next to the stove. Nice, all that lovely smelling food. At times it's necessary to have a closer look, and if he gets the chance he won't hesitate to try stick his nose in a pan.

The way to go when he was a kitten, was to sit on my shoulder. A very comfortable position, from where he could keep a close eye on all things happening around him.

How sweet is that :)

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