Wednesday, January 24, 2007

News from Claudia

Well, it took me by surprise to receive a call from Claudia. She is in India at this moment and saturday she will have a chat with the forrest department in Tadoba. She will ask if I can do my practical placement with that organization. I so hope that that will work out, since then there are no arguments from school against me going there, working on the education project or a project about land use.

Even so, I don't stop shopping around on the net. I found some websites with lots of NGO's in all countries and I will surely send most of them an email. Just to make sure, since you never know what help they can be to me this year or next year.

Right that's that for today. I will keep you informed about all the new developments :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Iris,

I managed to remember the URL! :) Nice, you've done everything in English!

It's not so easy to find a placement, is it!? :) I'm still searching for something as well. Anyway, good luck with your quest, and for now good luck with RUTO & BDS, as we have those (probably difficult) exams on Monday!

Oow, maybe it's an idea for you to have a guestbook which we can sign, instead of these comments.

I'll see you on Monday,


Anonymous said...

Hey Iris,

Nice weblog!!!! Intersting information you putt on it on forehand so everybody knows what your are going to do. Yes you are going!!! Joehoe. Very good. Do you get a message if you putt anything new on it. That would be great. Hava a nice period and I will see you in October/November somewhere.
We keep in touch.

Baltus said...

Ha Iris,
Mooi zo. Als je 5 maanden weg blijft toch nog eens over een bezoekje nadenken. Hoe zit dat dan in september. Wel of geen studieprogramma?